I have problems with Ethernet connection to my A320 camera. The camera is not found on the network.

您所在的位置:网站首页 network not found I have problems with Ethernet connection to my A320 camera. The camera is not found on the network.

I have problems with Ethernet connection to my A320 camera. The camera is not found on the network.

2023-03-26 13:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

There may be several reasons to why the network connection does not work. To help you troubleshooting, please try one or more of the following. It can be one of these or a combination so they are not rated in any way.

Firewall: Make sure it is turned off when you troubleshoot. Wireless: Make sure your wireless adapter is switched off. If not, the search for the camera might only look for a wireless connection. Crossed cable: Normally a modern computer will handle both cable types automatically but for troubleshooting purposes please try both or use a switch. (click here for more info) Multiple network adapters: Please turn off the network adapters that are NOT connected to the camera. Power: For troubleshooting purposes please power both the camera and the computer using a mains adapter. Some laptops turn off the network card to save power at battery operation.




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